As earlier reported, CM Punk suffered a serious cut on the top his head due to several ladder shots from Paul Heyman, resulting in 13 staples. CM Punk posted pictures of the injury which can be viewed at this link. WARNING: GRAPHIC

According to, RVD also received staples due to a cut he got in the WWE All Stars Money in the Bank Ladder Match.
To view even more pictures of the injuries of CM Punk and RVD click here.

Also in a video posted by you can see Cody Rhodes being fixed up with 5 stitches on the cut he received in the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match. He also talked about his "best friend" Damien Sandow in the video. To view the video click here.

Also, according to, Christian suffered a chipped tooth during the WWE All Stars Money in the Bank Ladder Match due to a very strong punch from Sheamus. The force of the punch was apparently so hard that there is fear Christian may have suffered a concussion, which means we may not see Christian for a while.

As of now WWE has not released any information on an injury of Sheamus, although he did take some serious bumps and ladder shots. He also joked that "the reports of his demise have been greatly exaggerated."

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