A biopic is in the works for one of the most famous and infamous wrestlers of all time: Chris Benoit.

                                                                                                                                                  by J.D. Davis
Chris Benoit was the man. During his heyday, he was a multi time champion in both WCW and WWE. He was one of two men to win the Royal Rumble as the first entrant, and was also a Triple Crown Winner in both WCW and WWE. Unfortunately what most people will remember him for was the murder of his wife and son and subsequent suicide in the summer of 2007. There have been dozens of theories on why Benoit did it, including "roid rage", brain damage from too many diving headbutts, and just family trouble. Some people believe that Benoit is innocent and that he was murdered by someone else along with his family. Hopefully soon we will have some light shed on the subject that Vince McMahon and WWE have tried to remove from history. 

Vicente Amorim has been pinned to direct a movie of Benoit's life titled "Crossface" which is scheduled to begin filming early next year. Not much is known about it yet, but there were rumors floating around that Liev Schreiber was going to portray Benoit. According to TMZ though, his agent says that is false. The movie is going to start off in his early years of wrestling and apparently end tragically with the murder/suicide. I'm not sure how this movie is going to be made though. I assume WWE still owns Benoit's name and such and they mentioned portraying Vince and HHH in the movie. I'm sure they have to sign off on that, but then again, Vince is currently making amends with Ultimate Warrior so I guess there is a chance. 

I am actually very excited for this movie because Benoit is one of the all time greats and it sucks that he will be remembered for the end of his life rather than his life itself.

WRITER'S NOTE: I am aware that what he did is horrible and it is unforgivable and I hope he is in Hell for that, but that doesn't change the fact that he was one of the best and most dedicated performers in wrestling history. 

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