Ministry of Slam recently did an interview with HBK, Shawn Michaels during which Shawn referred to a WWE Superstar Vince just doesn't see "money" in.

According to PWTorch.com, that superstar is none other than Daniel Bryan.

The interview as follows...

"I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with the man in charge and we were talking about a certain individual and he goes, 'I just don't see money in him.' And I said, 'You said the same thing about me.' He said, 'I did not.' I said, 'Yes you did!' (laughs) I said, 'And it's okay. It's just one of those things.'"

 "I wasn't your prototypical—heck, I wasn't anybody's prototypical main event guy. And I knew that. So, you just do your absolute best," said Michaels. "Yes, I was very scared and very worried, which had a lot to do with how bad I handled stuff because I spent a great deal of my career waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because it was a very real view of me and my ability and my talent. I'm a firm believer that talent does rise to the top, but you have to be patient. So, I spent a great deal of time worried, intimidated, and concerned that with each passing storyline, it might be the last one."

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