During an interview for The Shoot radio show, Matt Striker revealed that he may be replaced by WWE Superstar Alex Riley.

"He's a good kid. He's a taller, better looking version of Matt Striker. I believe he's a graduate from Boston College. He's well spoken, he's bright, and I think it's a great opportunity for Alex Riley. To me, this is my saving grace now that I'm gone. And then I read that it's Alex Riley that's sitting in that chair, and I think about all the conversations I've had with him. Maybe one thing I said to him, he uses on the show and he's now the breath of fresh air. He's now the new guy. I don't fault anyone for that. WWE gives opportunity - they gave me an opportunity, they're giving Alex Riley an opportunity, and I expect great things for Alex Riley and I'm genuinely happy for him"

To hear the full interview click here.

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