Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Monday Night Raw:
        Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez come down to the ring to start the show off with mixed reactions.  Del Rio then continues to criticize the WWE Universe claiming he never got the respect he deserves as being World Champion, and later labels them as pigs and cowards.  He then starts this whole rant on how we is best in the world but is cut off by CM Punk.  Punk gets a huge pop and mentions how he has had the title for over 400 days and in fact he was the one who defeated Del Rio for the WWE Championship.  He also claims that he is "Best in the World" and sets the challenge for tonight.  Vicky Guerrero later notes that the two will be facing in a non-title match in tonight's main event.

  Wade Barrett vs. Christian
        Vicky Guerrero says she has a surprise opponent for Barrett, and it is no other than Captain Charisma, Christian!  A very simple match with Christian getting the Killswitch for the 1..2..3.
Winner: Christian

Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes
        A very short match with.  It ends basically with Sheamus getting White Noise on Rhodes, and gets ready for a Brogue Kick, but Sandow quickly rolls him up for the pin.
Winner: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes.

    Backstage Daniel Bryan and Kane are having a small argument on how to continue their future together.  Kane believe that since they both lost their matches at WWE Payback they should give Team Hell No another try.  But Daniel Bryan says he must work by himself now as his goal is to claim the WWE Championship.  Kane also claims that he also wants to go after the championship as well.  They both pay their respects and part.

No DQ Match: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
        A back in forth match with Daniel Bryan having 90% of the crowd on his side,  Unfortunately Orton suplexed him into the barricade, and medics had to tend to Bryan ending the match.
Winner: Orton via referee stoppage

    After the break the new Divas Champion AJ Lee comes out to the ring mentioning how she is now champion and how Dolph Ziggler is unable to compete but that they will eventually share the spotlight together.  She then challenges any Diva backstage that thinks they could challenge her to come to the ring.  She then comments, "That's what I thought" but Stephanie McMahon's music hits and she comes out to the ring.  They then proceed to get into an argument with Stephanie claiming AJ needs to start acting like a champion.  AJ comebacks with that she should start acting more like Stephanie and instead of dating WWE Superstars just marry them.  She says she's just like Stephanie just younger and without the fancy pants.  Stephanie then threatens to fire her, but Kaitlyn comes to the ring and AJ and Kaitlyn have a small little brawl until Big E. Langston carries the furious AJ backstage.

United States Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Kane
    A very short match that ended with Shield interfering and finishing Kane.
Winner: Kane via DQ

This match is followed with Zeb Colter coming out to the ring doing the usual: trashing other countries that aren't the U.S., and discriminating against those who don't speak English.  But he as a new guy, and Antonio Cesaro comes out to the ring.

Antonio Cesaro vs. William Regal
    Very short match ending with Cesaro reversing a butterfly complex and getting the Neutralizer for the pinfall.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro

Mark Henry Retirement Speech:
    Before Henry comes out Cena is in the ring saying how he had a rough 2012 but the fans stuck with him and that he is still our WWE Champion.  Cena says that regardless of who he verses at Money in the Bank, he's ready.  Next Mark Henry comes out to the ring wearing a bright pink suit.  Henry has tears in his eyes and there are many chants of "Thank you Henry."  It then starts to become very emotional as he mentions he's on the road 200 days a year and that he needs to get home to his family.  John Cena then goes to give Henry a goodbye hug, but Henry performs the World's Strongest Slam.  It was later announced that the Mark Henry will be versing John Cena for the WWE Championship at Money in the Bank.

Chris Jericho vs. Heath Slater
    Very short match. Ends with Jericho getting Codebreaker on Slater for the pinfall.  3MB then comes out to the ring but Jericho is able to prevail.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Curtis Axel vs. Sin Cara
    Once again another short match, with Axel obviously winning the DDT.
Winner: Curtis Axel

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio
    The match was back and forth but Del Rio played the cowardly heel and left the match...
Winner: CM Punk via countout

After the match, Brock Lesnar's music hits and he comes out to the ring and stares down Punk.  Lesnar then asks for a mic but instead F5s Punk. Raw ends with Punk out cold in the middle of the ring and Lesnar slowly walking away.

Raw then goes off the air...

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