Location: Charleston, South Carolina

WWE Monday Night Raw airs with Daniel Bryan coming out to the ring.  Bryan discusses how he won't accept a count out victory from Orton, and that he won't rest until he defeats Orton by submission or pinfall.  Daniel Bryan is about to start his "Yes!" chant for a rematch against Orton and Randy's music hits and comes down to the ring.  Orton then tells him to shut up and fight him.  Bryan and Orton get in a small brawl ending with Orton telling the ref to ring the bell for a match.

Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan:
        This match starts off with Bryan cornering Randy in the corner each exchanging a few shots but ends in a ropebreak on Bryan.  The match is led outside the ring, and Orton gets a clothesline on the pavement that looks lethal.  Orton continues to bash on Daniel and throws him on the commentator's table.  The match then proceeds to become completely out off outside the ring concluding with a few referees trying to break them apart ending in a No Contest.

The show then proceeds backstage with Vicky Guerrero and Brad Maddox discussing their plans for the show tonight.  They are abruptly interrupted by Daniel Bryan shouting "No! No! No!" He wants another rematch with Orton and claims there must be a winner.  Vicky Guerrero grants him a rematch with Orton But Mr. McMahon enters the room and claims that some members of the WWE Universe don't believe Daniel Bryan should wrestle for the WWE and that he is an embarrassment.  Vince says it is still their choice to book the show and tells them to just think about it, while he leaves the room.

Rhode Scholars vs. Sheamus and Christian
        A pretty back and forth match ending with Sheamus executing a Brogue Kick on Rhodes for the pinfall.
Winner: Sheamus and Christian.

Backstage CM Punk approaches Vicky asking if she's seen Paul Heyman or Brock Lesnar in which she replies there not here.  Vicky also decides to tell Punk that he is going to be in a match tonight but completely disregards Vicky and continues texting on his phone.  They then ensue in an argument ending with Punk screaming "Excuse me!" to Vicky, and to notify him when Lesnar or Heyman arrive.

Kaityln (w/Layla) vs. Aksana
        The match starts with Kaitlyn punching Aksana a few rounds and her drop kicking Aksana out of the ring.  Kaitlyn's music then begins to play, and AJ comes to the ring in a "Kaitlyn costume."  AJ tries to distract Kaitlyn from the match and Aksana attempts to take advantage with a roll up but Kaitlyn kicks up and spears Aksana for the win.
Winner: Kaityln
        AJ and Langston then ridicule Kaitlyn in thinking that she actually had a secret admirer., and even mock the reveal.  Kaitlyn tries to rush them but Layla holds her back, and Langston carries AJ backstage.

Chris Jericho vs. Alberto del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez)
       A pretty fair match but ends in a disqualification when Rodriquez runs into the ring and hits Jericho with his bucket while he was performing The Walls on Rio.  Ziggler then runs out to the ring and "helps" Jericho but more importantly bashes on del Rio for stealing his World Championship.  Jericho then thanks Ziggler and pats him on the back but Ziggler gets revenge from last week and ZigZags Jericho.
Winner: Jericho (by DQ)

We are then once again led backstage to Vicky Guerrero and Brad Maddox continuing to discuss plans for the night.  All we hear is Vicky telling Maddox to cancel it but then Triple H enters the scene.  Hunter says he heard a bad rumor that Vicky was planning on canceling the Orton vs. Bryan rematch.  Vicky says she was because Vince convinced her that there should be no rematch.  HHH comments that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks except the WWE Universe, and they want to see a rematch.   HHH suggests VIcky listening to him for now on if she wants to succeed in the business.

The new WWE 2K14 cover is then revealed by Lawler and the reveal receives a nice pop as it features The Rock as previously announced.

Great Khali (w/Natalya and Hornswoggle) vs. Ryback
    A pretty short match with a nice finish of Ryback getting the ShellShock for the pinfall.
Winner: Ryback

There is a small pointless speech with Cena in the ring talking about the WWE Championship and how Mark Henry doesn't deserve to be a Champion and all that nonsense.

Number One Contender's Match for WWE Tag Titles:  Tons of Funk (w/ The Funkadactyls) vs The Usos vs 3MB (w/ Heath Slater) 
    Not the most exciting match but the Usos shortly get the pinfall and are victorious.  Shield's music then hits and they stare down Usos from their usual entry point into the arena.
Winner: The Usos

Paul Heyman then enters the arena and says that he knows what everyone is waiting for.  He admits to ignoring Punk's text messages and phone calls because he feels they need to be face to face.  CM Punk then comes out to the ring, and tells the WWE Universe why he is really a "Paul Heyman Guy." He discusses how he started in WWE Development territories and that Heyman was in charge.  Punk said he was aware that many executives in management wanted him fired but Heyman refused to do so.  He then says he has two things to say: Heyman, tell Lesnar he is coming for him, and he doesn't care how big he is.

Punk now says he needs to discuss his and Heyman's relationship, and he needs to know if Lesnar acted on his own behalf.  Heyman then swears on his children that he didn't know Lesnar was at Raw last week.  Heyman then comments that there is a bit of a professional jealousy between Lesnar and Punk.  Punk and Heyman then momentarily makeup but Punk does look disappointed.

CM Punk vs. Darren Young (w/Titus O'Neil)
    A pretty close match ending with Punk getting the Anaconda Vice to which Darren submitted.  Titus then comes into the ring and attacks Punk, and Darren starts to join in the beatdown.  Curtis Axel's music hits and he fights of Darren and Titus.  Heyman comes back into the ring, and says he and Punk will discuss what happened.
Winner: CM Punk

We then head backstage to Vicky angrily leaving voicemails to Brad Maddox.  Stephanie McMahon then enters and comments to Vicky that she noticed that the WWE Championship MITB participants weren't revealed yet.  Stephanie says not to worry and that she will announce them herself.  Stephanie walks out to the stage and announces the 8 participants: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Christian, Kane, and Rob Van Dam.
Ryback and Chris Jericho then both confront Vicky Guerrero and both complain that they deserve to be in the MITB Ladder Match.  Vicky says the participants are already decided and instead Jericho and Ryback will face each other in a singles match.

Paul Heyman is then shown apologizing for bringing Curtis Axel to help Punk but he had to since Punk was being attacked.  Punk replies that he doesn't need help.  Vicky Guerrero says she has resolved the problem and Axel and Punk will face the Prime Time Players next week on Monday Night Raw.  Punk says his two focuses are getting back at Lesnar and winning MITB to reclaim his WWE Championship.

Henry then has a short promo in the ring saying how he fooled them all and that he will only be coming home as WWE Champion.

Street Fight: Daniel Bryan vs. Orton
        A great match with Bryan getting Orton to submit while using a kendo stick to execute the No Lock.  While Daniel Bryan is celebrating his win, Orton slowly recovers and gets in Daniel's face but just shakes his hand and walks away.
Winner: Daniel Bryan

RAW then goes off the air...



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