The show starts of with Daniel Bryan entering the ring and basically saying how he proved himself after making Randy Orton tap out.  He now says there is a new question that all the WWE Universe must be thinking: Does he have the ability to win Money in the Bank and to cash in and become the new WWE Champion.  Bryan then starts chanting "Yes!" repeatedly.  Sheamus' music then hits and Sheamus is off in the ring complaining about how the WWE has been dying for him to become champion.  He even reminds Daniel Bryan about a certain WrestleMania where he won in about 10 seconds.  Randy Orton now comes to the squared circle and claims that it's been nearly 2 years since he has been champion, and that he isn't hungry to become WWE Champion, he's starving.  Kane's loud red pyro then hits, and now Kane is in the debate.  Kane says that he will have no allies come Money in the Bank and that everyone in the ring will be victims.  Kane even says he'll take out Daniel Bryan if he has to in which Bryan replies that it  wasn't his fault Kane lost on Smackdown.  Kane and Bryan then get into a bitter argument but are cut off by Christian's music.  Christian reminds the competitors his success in ladder matches, and that he wants one last match to become WWE Champion, and that he is the best.  Obviously this leads CM Punk to come out from backstage saying he heard someone claim that they were the best.  Punk claimst that he is best in the world and that his only real competition is Rob Van Dam.  Then out of nowhere Orton RKOs Kane and everywhere is careful before leaving the ring.

The Shield vs. Christian and the Usos
A nice match with fortunately Shield gaining the win with the pinfall
Winner: Shield

We are then led backstage to Daniel Bryan approaching Kane apologizing for what happened on Friday.  He says he made it up to him because Vicky Guerrero is letting Kane have a rematch against Orton.  Kane says he's actually glad to hear this until Bryan informs him that he will be the special gust referee

Dolph Ziggler vs. Jinder Mahal (w/3MB)
An obvious win for Ziggler getting the Zig Zag for the pinfall.  After the match McIntyre and Slater attempt to attack Zigglerbut ends up with Ziggler prevailing after another Zig Zag on Drew.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

The cameras then go backstage to a stressed Vicky Guerrero conversing with Brad Maddox.  triple H enters the room and Vicky explains how she is confused on which McMahon to listen to.  Hunter tells her that he learned to listen to it all, ignore it all, and just listen to him and Vicky will be fine.

Randy Orton vs. Kane (Daniel Bryan Special Guest Referee)
An exciting match ending with Bryan disqualifying Orton after being pushed.  Kane then complains that he wants the match restarted and Bryan rings the bell and restarts the match.  After Kane gives Orton a big boot to the head.  Kane goes for the pinfall and Daniel Bryan does a fast count.  Kane is upset with Bryan and chokes him but then releases and leaves the ring.
Winner: Kane (via fast pin count)

Fandango vs. Sheamus
After Fandango receives quite a beating from Sheamus he decides to leave and goes up the ramp into the locker room playing the "baby" heel role.
Winner: Sheamus (via countout)

Ryback vs. The Miz
An interesting match with Chris Jericho at commentary.  Miz targets Ryback's weak knee repeatedly until Ryback tells the referee he can't go on.
Winner: The Miz (via stoppage)

Mark Henry then comes out to the ring claiming how he knows and he's proven that he's the "World's Strongest Man", and it's more than just a nickname.  He then comments on how he deserves to be WWE Champion and he has earned it by all the time he has given to the WWE and its fans.  He then says he's going to beat John Cena's ***.

We are then led backstage to Brad Maddox telling Vicky he wouldn't want to be John Cena right now.  Vince then enters the scene asking about why he saw Daniel Bryan in a match out there tonight.  He tells Vicky that she just doesn't understand business like the McMahons and that lots of people are being fired because they are not listening...

CM Punk and Curtis Axel vs. Prime Time Players
A highly anticipated match with Axel just tagging himself in after CM Punk performed the GTS on Darren Young to get the 3 count
Winner: CM Punk and Curtis Axel       

Alicia Fox vs. Kaitlyn (w/Layla)
 The average Divas match with a win for Kaitlyn.  AJ and Langston then come out and tells the WWE Universe how Kaitlyn had to beg for money and had pictures taken of herself.  AJ then reveals an obviously photshopped photo of Kaitlyn VERY obese. 

Stephanie McMahon then enters Vicky Guerrero's office and asks what just happened in the ring, but Vicky replies she doesn't know because she was too busy working to watch it.  Stephanie then replies that she can't even believe how Raw's Supervising General Manager doesn't even watch their own show.  Vicky just says that she is just so confused with each McMahon pulling her in different directions.   Stephanie McMahon says that to resolve the issue Vicky will have a job evaluation next week on Raw. 

Cody Rhodes (w/ Damien Sandow) vs. Antonio Cesar (w/ Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger)
An interesting match up with Antonio Cesaro getting the Neutralizer on Cody for the 1...2...3.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro

Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena    
A main event match with Cena claiming the victory with the AA after Dolph Ziggler distracts Del Rio.  After the match Mark Henry runs and gets the WWE Championship and gets a cheap shot on Cena with the title.
Winner: John Cena


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