Location: Unknown
TNA Xplosion:
                       Jeremy Borash and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show. We see a brief video package of the Bound For Glory series. Later on the show is the Spin Cycle and TNA Underground featuring the Jeff Jarrett vs Jeff Hardy match from Final Resolution 2011. For now though, it's Robbie E vs Chris Sabin in a non title match.

Robbie E vs Chris Sabin:
Robbie E comes out first followed by Sabin. Both men put on a pretty decent match. This was an unpredictable bout with both men getting one other on each other move after move. In the end though, Chris Sabin picks up the win with 'All Hail Sabin'

We see a video package promoting the upcoming TNA 2014 UK Tour. TNA will be in Glasgow, Scotland on January 30th 2014, Manchester, England on January 31st 2014, London, England on February 1st 2014 and Birmingham, England on February 2nd 2014. For more information on the tour you can go to challenge.tv/wrestling

Another video package is shown featuring Bound For Glory 2013 in San Diego, California on October 20th.

Up next is this week's Spin Cycle. On this week's panel is Eric Young, Samoa Joe, Magnus and Jeff Hardy. Hosted as always by Jeremy Borash. This week the panel discusses facial hair and wild animals. They manage to sneak a little bit of promotion for Eric Young's new animal show. Jeff Hardy shows everyone all his different face paints from an Instagram montage. It looked pretty cool. There were 68 photos all together and the montage lasted about 10 seconds. Borash asks the panel what thier social media outlet of choice is. Magnus says he is on Twitter @MagnusOfficial, he says he does have a Facebook but it is only for friends and family. Jeff Hardy says he is not on Facebook or any social media which is odd because he has an official Twitter @JeffHardyBrand. Samoa Joe says he is on Twitter @SamoaJoe and says he does not have Facebook stating "Like's are for losers" he says if you follow him on Twitter you are not considered friends, but you can follow along. Eric Young says MySpace and Jeremy Borash shows a picture of Eric Young holding an alligator. He says he caught it on his show and says it was the scariest thing he has ever done on the show. The panel start taking about strange animal encounters. Borash tells a story about when he was chased on his uncles farm by 'sneaky pete the turkey'. He says the turkey escaped and chased him around. He says sneakey pete was then dead on a table. You can work out how that happened for yourself haha. Samoa Joe recalls killing a Boar with his cousin when he was 9 years old and bringing it back to his family to eat. Magnus says two of his chicken used to escape called Ridene and 'The Indian Runner'. He says he had to run around trying to find the 'Indian Runner'. Magnus shows a picture of an alligator he spotted while playing golf a few weeks ago. Hardy says he once had a South Afican racoon called Amigi. He said he had him for or 4 years but he escaped one day. Jeff apparently had a 'face off' with Amigi and he qoute "kicked his ass". Jeffs are swolled up and infection was all over it. The Spin Cycle then ends.

TNA Underground is next featuring the full match between Jeff Hardy vs Jeff Jarrett from Final Resolution 2011 with both mens career's on the line. The match ends which end's this weeks Undeground match.

We then see a recap of Impact Wrestling where Sting announces the new Main Event Mafia. We also see Angle vs Styles from Impact with Aces and Eights interfering and Rampage Jackson coming down to the ring for backup. Aces and Eights retreat.

Xplosion then goes off the air.

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    June 2013

