Tag Team Championships Pre-Show: The Shield (c) vs. The Usos
The match starts off with Jey repeatedly attempting to get quick pins.  Seth tags in Roman who starts to get a beating on Jey.  Jey is able to get a tag to Jimmy and double back suplex Roman getting a 1 count.  Jimmy tags Jey back and do a double suplex. Once again, they get another 1 count but Jey throws Roman out of the ring.
Commercial break....

The match resums with the Usos dominating the match with now Seth in the ring.  But Seth gets a huge drop kick on Jey and is able to tag in Roman.  Roman Reigns executes a huge clothesline on Jimmy while he is on the apron causing him to do a backflip hit the apron and fall to the concrete floor.  Shield can only get the 2 count.  Roman Reigns now is poudning on Jimmy in the corner of the ring on the opposite side of his partner Jey. Seth Rollins is now tagged in and is executing a chin lock but Jimmy is able to escape momentarily until he is pulled back by Seth who tags in Roman.  Roman goes for a clothesline on the turnbuckle misses, hits the turnbuckle and tags in Roman.  Roman throws Jimmy out of the ring and Seth performs a diving clothesline and Jimmy gets back in the ring at 5 count.  Roman pins him and gets a 2 count.

Commercial break.....

We return to the match and Jey are on control and flips out of the ring smashing Roman.  Jimmy does a flogspash on Seth for the win.. NOOO....only a 2 count.  Jey performs a huge backdrop on Seth and once again gets another near pinfall.  Jey climbs up the turnbuckle going for the finisher but Seth crotches him. Seth and Jey both on the turnbuckle, now Jimmy is climbing up and Roman Reigns does a triple power bomb having to get his partner Seth as well.  But Jey kicks out!  Superkicky by Jimmy on Seth, hits the flogspash, Reigns saves the count. Just barely. Jimmy has Seth on his shoulders on the turnbuckle and ROman Reigns punches Jimmy and powerbombs him into the turnnbuckle and then Reigns tags himself and spears Jimmy for the pinfall.
Winner: The Shield

WHC Money in the Bank (Dean Ambrose vs. Fandango vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. Jack Swagger vs. Antonio Cesaro
The match starts off with Fandango dancing in the ring until Jack Swagger throws him out of the ring.  There is now a huge mob in the ring until Swagger and Cesaro are the only ones left in the ring.  They now go after a ladder as well as Damiend Sandow and Cody Rhodes.  Swagger and Cesaro both throw Cody and Cesaro into a ladder.  Swagger and Cesaro continue to dominate the match.  Swagger climbs up the ladder but Dean Ambrose pulls him down and throws Swagger out of the ring.  Ambrose is about to climb the ladder but Barrett sticks Ambrose's head in between the ladder and kicks his head repeatedly.  Wade gets a ladder to hit Fandango but Fandango enzugeries Barret while holding the ladder.  Fandango ascends the ladder but Sandow is giving hinm trouble and gets Fandango on his shoulders.  But Fandango escapes but then Sandow back suplexes Fandango into a ladder stationary in the corner.    Barret tears up a ladder and uses the pieces to punish Damien Sandow.  Wade Barret climbs the ladder but is quickly followed by Ambrose and hits Barret off and as he is falling Cesaro delivers a huge upper cut on Barret.  Cesaro and Ambrose on the ladder about to grap the briefcase but Cody is just barely pushes him off and later slams him into a ladder in the turnbuckle.  Wade and Cody now in the ring and Barrett executes a picture perfect DDT.  Wade Barrett sets the ladder and begins to climb it but Swagger climbs up and they sqaure off at the top of the lader.  Barret knocks out Swagger and FAndango now climbs up and flip powerbombs Barrett.  Fandango is alone in the ring and slowsly begins to climb the ladder as Mae cheers him on.  Dean Ambrose is able to get his ddt finisher on Fandango.  Ambrose climbs the ladder but Cesararo gets Ambrose's head stuck in the ladder and lift him up.  AMbrose gets out standing on the horizontal ladder while Ambrose is on it and throws him out of the ring.  Swagger lifts Cesaro on his shoulders to reach for the briefcase but RHodes drop kicks Swagger and Cesaro comes crashing in.  Cody Rhodes does his finsher on Barrett and he is alone in the ring.  He grabs a ladder and sets it up.  He begins to climb it (still alone in the ring), Dean rushes in and Rhodes and AMbrose are fighting on top of the ladder. Cody Rhodes is split open and blood is everywhere.  Shield interfered and takes of Rhodes.  Cody is now being ambushed by the Shield.  Roman now spears Fandango.  Shield is now alone in the ring, but Usos come and beat up Shield.  Everyone is distracated and  Cody oshes dean off into everyone outside thering.  Cody is in the ring by himself and he ascends the ladder but Sandown pushes Cody off and grabs the briefcase
Winner: Damien Sandow

Justin Roberts now introduces the new GM of Raw Brad Maddox.  Maddox comes down to the ring.  Maddox is saying what a crows tonight and what an audience.  He firstly says how honored he is to be the new GM of Monday Night Raw.  He then thanks Mr. McMahon for his belief in him to get the jobs done.  The crows starts the What?! chant.  Maddox then makes a joke but gets no laughs.  Maddox then says that he added Vicky to the Pre-Show Talk Show and he asks for her to stand up so the WWE Universe and himself can thank her.  Maddox then attempts to start a "Thank you Vicky" chant.  But it works to no avail and instead gets a "You got fired! chant".  Maddox then says don't feel bad as Philly is filled with rude fans anyway.  He then says to watch this tribute to Vicky Guerrero on the titantron.  The tribute highlights Vicky's most embarassing moments.  Vicky seems not to being enjoying this but Maddoz says for everyone to get on their feet to give Vicky a standing ovation.

Intercontinental Title Match: Curtis Axel (c) vs. The Miz
Axel and Miz lock up in the middle of the ring and Miz gets a quick shoulder block and a 1 count.  They lock up again but this time Axel prevails and repeatedly chops him in the turnbuckle.  Miz gets out and kicks Axel's bad leg causing him to do a backflip.  Miz kicks Axel out of the ring and threatens to beat up Heyman.  Miz then acts like Heyman punched him while the ref wasn't looking and Heyman was ejected from ringside.  Miz now enters the ring and gets a rollu on Axel for a 2 count.  A "We want Heyman chant" starts.  Axel slams Miz into the turnbuckle and knees him in the face for a 2 count rope break.   Miz is now sitting in the middle of the ring while Axel repeatedly elbows him in the shoulders and chest.  Axel now executes an armbar and hopes to make Miz submit.  Miz is able to get up and slams Axel into the turnbuckle after Axel went for a back suplex.   Miz dominates the match for awhile and does his signature clothesline on Axel.  The Miz only gets a 2 count.   When Axel gets up he goes for skull crusher but Axel reverses and gets Miz set up for the Perfectplex but Miz is able to kick out at two.   Miz gets up and locks in the figure four on Axel who is in the middle of the ring.  Axel is about to tap...but turns and reverses the pressure onto Miz.  Miz nearly about to tap but turns back and the pressure goes back to Axel.  Axel crawls to get hold of the rope and the submission is broken.  Axel gets his finisher neckbreaker and gets the pinfall.
Winner: Curtis Axel

Divas Title Championship Match :AJ Lee (c) w/ Big E. Langston vs. Kaitlyn (w/ Layla)
The match starts off with Kaitlyn dominanting AJ Lee and knees her in the stomach after having her on her shoulders.  They now go outside the ring and AJ slams Kaitlyn's head against the post and then Kaitlyn's arm.  Aj now has executes an arm bar while Kaitlyn is in the center of the ring.  Kaitlyn is able to crawl and grab the rope.  Aj now executes another armbar and Kaitlyn is back where she started.  Kaitlyn is able to get up with Aj on her back and executes a backbreaker on AJ.  Aj runs at Kaitlyn but Kaitlyn delivers a huge shoulder bump.  Kaitlyn gets her finisher and AJ barely kicks out at 2.  KAitlyn lifts her up and gets her ready for a suplex but Aj reverses and hits a flying armbar.  Aj climbs up the turnbuckle but Kaitlyn pushes her down and Langston catches her.  Kaitlyn gets a spear but hurts her elbow and Aj is able to get the Black Widow.  Kaitlyn then slowly passes out and just before she faints she taps out.
Winner: AJ Lee

Chris Jericho vs. Ryback
Ryback stares down Jericho and they lock up but Jericho is no match for Ryback's strength and easily pushes Jericho down.  Ryback gets Jericho in the corner but Jericho reverses and gets in numerous chest chops.  Ryback gets out of the ring to rebuke himself.  Ryback acts like he is going back in the ring but decides not to.  Ryback goes up again but this time dropkicks him.  Ryback finally gets in the ring and Jericho is able to dominate the match and once again gets more chest tops.  Jericho irishwhips him into the other corner and Ryback backs off the trunbucle and clotheslines Jericho.  A huge "Goldberg" chant has just started.  Jericho lays in the middle of the ing and Rybacks locks in a sleeper hold.  Jericho is slowly trying to get up but Ryback just suplexes him back to the ground.  Now Ryback goes on the turnbuckle and does a mini frogsplash.  Jericho gets up and Ryback delivers another clothesline knocking Jericho out of the ring right in between the 2 announce tables.  Ryback leaves the ring and throws Jericho back into the ring.  Ryback dominates the match and seems to be playing with Jericho.  Ryback grabs Chris by the head and chucks him across the ring from one corner to the other.  Jericho is able to get back to his feet and back suplexes him for a 2 count.  Jericho now gets the Walls of Jericho but Ryback quickly counters and pushes jericho into the turnbuckle.  Jericho now delivers his finishing clothesline and lifts up Jericho for Shell Shock.  But jericho is able to counter and attempts to execute Code Breaker.  Ryback catches Jericho and throws him down.  Ryback lifts Jericho and irishwhips him and Jericho delivers and enzuigiri.  Ryback is thrown out of the ring and as he attempts to get back in the ring but delivers a Code Breaker.  Ryback is laying outside the ring and just barely gets back in the ring at a 9 count.  Jericho climbs up the turnbuckle for a crossbody and Ryback barely kicks out.  Ryback now lifts up JEricho for Shell Shock but Jericho is able to turn it into a DDT.  But is unable to get the 3 count.    Jericho goes for lionsault and Ryback moves out of the way and rolls him up for a 3 count.
Winner: Ryback

World Heavyweight Championship Title Match: Alberto del Rio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
The match starts with Ziggler getting a quick roll up but only gets a 1 count.  Ziggler and Del Rio square off again but Del RIo kicks him in the gut and is able to get in a neck breaker.  Ziggler the n gets a huge drop kick on Del Rio giving Ziggler the advantage.  Ziggler now goes for his signature elbow drops all the way up to 10.  Ziggler clotheslines Del Rio out of the ring and Del Rio gets up before Ziggler and gets in the ring. As Dolph gets up to go in the ring, Del Rio enzigueries him.  Now Del RIo and Ziggler are both outside the ring and Alberto throws DOlph into the barricade back first  RIo is able to roll Dolph back into the ring but only gets a 2 count.  Alberto has a chin lock on Ziggler and ZIggler is slowly getting to his feet and rolls Alberto for another 2 count.  Alberto is resting in the turnbuckle and Ziggler goes for a clothesline but misses and slams into the turnbuckle head first.  Ziggler is entangled in the ropes and Alberto delivers repeated punches to his back and a hard one to the back of the head.  Alberto then goes for a running dropkick, missess and flies thru the rope out of the ring.  Ziggler is slwoly getting back to the ring up the turnbuckle..  Ziggler is able to quickly climb up the torunbuckle and delivers a huge turnbuckle.   Ziggler and Rio are now in a fist fight in the middle of the ring and Alberto corners DOlph into a corner.  Then Alberto goes for a spear until Dolph is able to dodge it and Del Rio hits the corner post.  Del Rio then gets a back suplex and gets a near pinfall.  Alberto then goes for an enzugeri, Ziggler ducks and hits his signature leg drop for another near pinfall.  Alberto now climbs up the turnbuckle while Ziggler is slowly getting to his feet, Alberto jumps and Ziggler hits a drop kick.   AJ's music then hits and Aj comes out and is running in circles around the ring.  Dolph Ziggler is asking what she is doing out here and is distracted.  He tells AJ that she needs to leave and Aj looks heartbroken.  Dolph delivers a huge DDT but is unable to get the pinfall.  AJ has still not left.  Dolp climbs up the turnbuckle and Del Rio hits Ziggler on the turnbuckle while he was telling AJ to leave.  Alberto delivers a huge suplex but no avail for the pinfall.  AJ has still not left... Del Rio delivers his finisher superkick and Dolph Ziggler just barely stays in it.  Ziggler is slowly getting up while Del Rio is sizing him up to get the super kick but AJ enters the ring and hits Alberto with her title.
Winner: Alberto del Rio (via DQ)

After the match Dolph and AJ are arguing and Ziggler says she ruined his chances at becoming champion.  He then leaves AJ crying in the ring who keeps crying that she's sorry.  A "you screwed Ziggler" chant then erupts.

WWE Championship Title Match: John Cena (c) vs. Mark Henry
The match starts off with Henry dominating  Henry stands in the ring while Cena struggles to get up. Henry has been repeatedly headbutting Cena and it has been a very slow match so far.  Henry and Cenaare both outside the ring and Henry front suplexes Cena on to the steel stairs ribs first.  Henry rolls Cena into the ring for a 2 count.  Cena struggles to stand up and butt smashes him onto the rope.  Henry once again gets another 2 count.  Cena has finally been able to get on the offensive but is unable to knock down Henry. Instead, Henry takes control once again and continues to dominate the match.  Henry then does a spinning leg drop.  Cena is being counted outside the ring and Henry double leg swings Cena into the steel barricade.  Henry wanting to win the championship rolls Cena back into the ring to avoid a countout.  Cena tries to lift Henry but Mark is just to heavy and Cena is crushed by the weight of Mark Henry.  Henry now executs a fae clamp.  Cena fights against it and kicks Mark in the leg to release Henry's grip.  Cena tries to shoulder block Mark but fails.  He thengoes for another one and knocks Cena down.  He then executes the Five Knuckle Shuffle . Cena is measuring Henry for the AA.  Cena lifts Henry but is oncec again crushed by the 400 plus pounds.  Henry goes for a sidwalk slam but Cena reverses it into a DDT.  Cena then goes for the AA again and hits it.  1...2......Henry kicks out.  Cena is in disbelief.  Cena now climbs up the turnbuckle sizingup Henry for his signature leg drop.  Henry catches Cena and hits the World's Strongest Slam but Cena barely kicks out at two and a half.  Now Henry is in disbelief.  Henry goes to the corner and tears off the cover on the top turnbuckle.  Henry then goes outside the ring to grap 2 chairs.  Be aware this is not a no dq match.  Mark now grabs Cena to slam him in the turnbuckle while the ref is fixing the other turnbuckle.  Cena reverses and gets the STF.  Henry is slowly crawling and just barely grabs the bottom rope.  Henry pushes Cena and Cena hits the ref.  While the ref is down Henry delivers a low blow but still only gets a near pinfall.  Henry lifts Cena for the World's Strongest Slam, Cena reverses and once again gets the STF.  Henry is about to grab the rope but Cena drags him back to the middle of the ring and Henry taps out.
Winner: John Cena(via submission)

WWE Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match (Randy Orton, Christian, CM Punk, Rob Van Dam, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus)

Back and forth the whole match between the 6 All-Stars culminating with a great finish.   Towards the end of the match Daniel Bryan was on top of the ladder inches away from unlatching the MITB briefcase until Curtis Axel came out and deliberately attacked him.  After finishing Bryan, CM Punk then hit the GTS on Axel.  CM Punk slowly crawled into the ring.  Paul Heyman then comes out and urges him to climb the ladder.  While Punk is climbing the ladder Heyman gets another ladder and hits him repeatedly even drawing blood from Punk.  With CM Punk out, RVD runs into the ring, seconds away from winning Orton knocks him off and while RVD is in mid air Orton hits the RKO.  Orton climbs up the ladder,stares at the WWE Universe and then grabs the briefcase.
Winner: Randy Orton 

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    June 2013

