Summer Slam will be one of the best booked PPV of the year and trust me when i tell you it has interesting feuds within. With John Cena vs Daniel Bryan, or "The beast vs The best ", also with uprising superstars like Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow. It will be exciting and it has yet to be booked with other matches. so without further ado here are the winners and losers for summer slam

winner : Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan has everyone chanting YES! YES! YES! even at home. The more he becomes a favorite the less Cena becomes a favorite. For me Daniel can have the wwe fans chant all night and have them  forget about Cena. Also it wouldn't hurt Cena to loose a match since he is the wwe's superman and would still look strong . It would help Daniel Bryan boost his career even if he looses his wwe championship to Randy Orton the same night it will not make him look weak since he did beat the wwe's superman. So overall Daniel Bryan would win the match.

loser : Cm Punk

Even tough it looks like Cm Punk is eventually going to win Brock Lesnar it should at least not be in summer slam they should at least  have three matches before Cm Punk conquers the beast and puts him down. Its clear that Cm Punk vs Brock Lesnar is the Co main event but really they should have more than one match. All three matches can give the wwe fans an interesting feud were Cm Punk  tries and fails various times to overcome the darkness from the monster Brock Lesnar which makes him look like a solid face in the end.

we can see more from Paul Heyman and Cm Punk with more promos and keep the rating up since Brock lesnar is a rare wrestler "A part timer" were when he appears he gives the audience a feeling of excitement it would be good for both wrestlers and the company. So definitely Cm Punk should lose this match to keep the feud going and growing .

winner : Cody rhodes

 Even tough Cody has been in the wwe for a long time for me he can finally have his chance to shine and beat wrestler after wrestler too make him look strong and keep him ready for any type of strong match that he needs. The feud would be great and would also help the wwe depart the two best friends since they don't need each other because they have to go on their own roads to become number one in the wwe. It wouldn't hurt for Damien Sandow to lose since his main focus isn't in the match... but in cashing his money in the bank briefcase and get his first World Heavyweight Championship. so the winner for this match would be and should be Cody Rhodes 

loser : Sheamus

Sheamus should be main eventing every PPV this year but i guess the wwe doesn't trust sheamus to main event PPV... and personally for me most heels are turning faces lately like Cm Punk, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, and Cody Rhodes ... so i wouldn't be surprised if the creative team is thinking about turning sheamus heel since he has nothing to do in the wwe as a face. So till he changes his character he is a looser since he is lost right now in the wwe roster and has no one to feud with.

Written by Bobby Morrissey

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