Written by Bobby Morrissey
The Shield(C) v Uso's.
This was the pre-show match-up so I was expecting a good fast paced match to entertain crowd and set pace for the night, and boy did we get it, a great match-up with Uso's gaining early momentum, the Shield at first seemed hard to find ground, but after Uso's providing very entertaining and explosive offence there was a swift momentum switch in favour of the Shield, the next five minuites were entirely controlled by the Shield, also after a glimmer of hope for the Uso's was stopped when an outside interference caused by Rollins clearing Jimmy Uso off the ring thus stopping the tag and to keep momentum for shield, commercials then cut and on return Uso's have momentum and control out of no-where which was a bad point for me another explosive offensive attack by the Uso's leading to a few 2 counts, then shades of TNA were shown with a powerbomb cross superplex cross backdrop manoeuvre which led bodies all over the ring. After the smoke cleared from the ring the Uso's gave their own outside interference which led to a punch in Rollins face, a kick and a jump from top rope by jimmy Uso to gain a heart-stopping Reings pin break just before the 3, then moments later and a crafty tag from Reigns to make him legal man, Rollins throw Jimmy Uso into the corner and a spear after by Roman Reigns to seal a Shield win.
Overall rank: B- overall very good match with very promising chants from the crowd who should provide a good night, only bad point was the commercial break which cut out a momentum shift.

World heavyweight title MITB match:
We were brought straight into the thick of things here with the MITB match straight away and alot the crowd were still pumped from the pre-show. The participants were given likely reactions from the crowd except Rhodes Scholars  who got a decent pop, Colter came out with a speech and got alot of heat along with Barrett and Fandango who got noticeable heat and Ambrose got no real entrance due to him being in the ring at the end of the pre-show. The match started off like any typical ladder match, but early on the real americans Cesaro and Swagger showed great team work which lasted the whole match. Every person in the match used a ladder uniquely, brilliantly and showed off all their traits. The crowd got well into this match aswell providing good chants such as "ECW" "WE THE PEOPLE" and "CODY'S MOUSTACHE". After a while of brawling and almost everyone getting fingertips to the briefcase Cody Rhodes is just about to claim the prize until the Shield pull him off and beat him down, then the Uso's enter the ring and chaos ensues everyone seems to be attacking the shield and Ambrose is just at the top of the ladder until Cody pushes him off on top of all the participants just outside the apron, leaving just Cody (who has performed seriously well thus far and has proved alot) and a ladder, Cody climbs it and is sure he is the winner until an absent Sandow interferes, he shoves his best friend of the ladder to claim the title for himself. 
Overall rank: B+ A brilliant match for all participants, especially Cody Rhodes, great entertainment from start to finish and great uses of ladders. I think a deserved push for Sandow, it's what he needs in my opinion.

The Miz v Curtis Axel(c)
Intercontinental title time as the Miz enters to a decent pop, followed by Axel who got good reception off the crowd (mostly due to Heyman's presence im guessing). The match started with a lot of momentum for Miz as ECW chants echoed around the arena, then in a very smart move the Miz pretends he has been hit by Heyman behind the ref's back, this led to Heyman being ejected and didnt go well with the crowd causing "WE WANT HEYMAN" chants soon after. But despite Heyman absent it didnt effect Axel as he had all the momentum after he was ejected, the match continued in typical fashion, Miz kicks out of the Perfect plex, Axel reverses figure-4, these 2 counts got the crowd on their feet as Axel caught Miz in a neck-breaker like manoeuvre soon after the figure-4 was broken up and Axel pins Miz for the victory.
Overall rank: C+ Good match-up at times, crowd again made the good even better but nothing amazing to me.

A.J.(C) v Kaitlyn
I was really looking forward to this match as the payback match was one of the best diva's match I have seen in a while. A.j. came out to an unexpected good pop, while Kaitlyn came out to quite a bit of heat. The match started off with Kaitlyn getting the upper hand displaying a lot of power, but Kaitlyns power was evenly matched by A.J.'s surprisingly technical abilities proving to be the x-factor as A.J. locked in the black widow to get the win by submission.
Overall rank: C+: brilliant match no doubt, brilliant display of power and technicality by both diva's but the match was very short I thought.

Chris Jericho v Ryback
 Jericho as usual gets a great pop from the crowd as Ryback gets the expected heat off of the Philly crowd. Ryback starts off the match showing his power and gaining momentum, but the occasional Jericho break back would see Ryback retreat to the outside of the ring which really killed any bit of pace the match was generating. Later on in the match after many momentum shift's Jericho seemed to come out on top by displaying great reversals and technique and after an attempted lionsault which Ryback moved out of the way of led Ryback to win by an inside cradle pin.
Overall rank: D+ This match was the worst of the night in my opinion any form of speed or pace gathered was quickly killed by Ryback retreating outside the ring, the match continued like this until the end which had only one finisher in the whole match (a poorly executed one at that) and to have a powerhouse to win by inside cradle is poor in my opinion.

Dolph Ziggler v Del rio(c)
Ziggler arrives to a serious pop, best of the night so far, Del Rio enters and receives his expected heat off the crowd. Ziggler takes early momentum in the match with the crowd singing "LETS GO ZIGGLER". Momentum then shifted in Del Rio's favour with small attempts from Ziggler to break.
The match continued like this until Ziggler hits an amazing face-buster off the top rope to get a 2 count, the match gave many near falls after this, examples are german suplex's and kicks to the head from Del Rio and Fame asser and dropkicks by Ziggler. A.J.'s music plays and she skip's down, distracting Ziggler as he pleads with her to go backstage, Del Rio capitalizes off the distraction to get a near pin fall and A.j. runs into the ring to hit Del Rio in the head Causing Ziggler to be disqualified.
Del Rio wins. Argument ensues as Ziggler walks out on A.J.
Overall rank: B- great match right all the way up to the end but the D.Q. forcing the finish stole us from a finale to this good match, this lead to a "YOU SCREWED ZIGGLER" chant.

John Cena (c) v Mark Henry
WWE title time and as I expected Henry got a serious pop off the crowd as Cena got a typical Philly reception of boo's and taunts. Henry Dominated early on powering Cena all over the ring, the crowd again started chanting this time "SEXUAL CHOCOLATE" and the "LETS GO CENA" was really out sung by "CENA SUCKS". Henry continues to show dominant strength as Cena try's and fail's to break momentum but after several attempts Cena knocks Henry and gives him a side suplex followed by a five knuckle shuffle, this led to Cena trying the AA but failing just like on RAW last week. But after much scuffling around Henry shoves Cena into the ref and during the time the ref was absent Henry gave Cena a low blow but Cena kicks out again, not after long Cena finally delivers the AA but only to have Henry kick out and immediately deliver a world strongest slam to Cena but Cena kicks out to Henrys disbelief. In fury Henry rips off the turnbuckle cover, but to have Cena slam Henry against it and lock him in the STFU for the win.
Overall rank: B- Good and entertaining match-up but Mark Henry is very slow...powerful no doubt but slow.

RVD came out first to the biggest pop of the night without a doubt and everyone after him got their typical face receptions as expected. Daniel Bryan had the crowd in his hand at 1st with surreeal YES chants echoing the arena. The match stared and not before long the ladders were out and used really well by everyone, after a battle with the ladders Sheamus was the 1st to get finger tips to the case as RVD knocked him off the ladder very awkwardly onto the ground. Again more brawling around the ring with ladders led to the 6 men being in the ring with ladders in place all reaching for the case, 12 hands reaching, clawing and grabbing at it until a domino effect happened and they all fell off the ladders onto the ground. Sheamus seemed to hold the momentum for the 1st half of the match until this point driving ladders against everyone, also at this point RVD gave the patent 5 star frog splash to Christian to echos of ECW chants. After the dust settled from a chaotic brawl Daniel Bryan carried alot of momentum with him, providing an extremely entertaining run of drop-kicks dives and kicks, this led him to climb the ladder touch the case, but to be stopped by Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman (assumingly on Punks side), Axel makes a run at punk only to be on the relieving end of a GTS and Heyman begins to plead with punk, siding with Heyman, Punk trusts him as he starts to climb the ladder, only to be struck by a ladder by Heyman who looks down at Punk with an evil look on his face as he hits Punk a second time with the ladder, this distraction leads RVD to scramble up the ladder but to be dragged off the ladder by a very quiet Ortan and delivers one of the best RKO's ever. Ortan calmly moves up the ladder and claims the breifcase.
Overall rank: B+ Brilliant match-up with 6 brilliant and entertaining supersatrs who utilied the ladders very well, the twist with Heyman will add alot to the storyline aswell. 

OVERALL: Very good PPV the crowd made it alot better with continuous chants keeping the intensity going in the arena. PPV also opened alot of storylines for Summerslam next month 

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