So tonight was WWE's PPV, Battleground and it was definitely more of a Burialground.
                                                                                                                                                    by J.D. Davis
So a lot of people seemed pissed about tonight's PPV which is perfectly understandable. I can't stand these filler PPV's, as evidenced by tonight's performance. Let's break down the key points:

There were no title changes. Orton/Bryan ended in a no contest after Big Show KO punched Orton, Bryan, referee Scott Armstrong, and that guy who told him they were out of orange chicken boneless wings at the buffet. Which brings us to...

What a surprise; Big Show is good/bad/whocares again! Seriously Big Show, you're done. You have faded away. Just go. It's okay. 

On a related note can you imagine Big Show working as a sandwich artist at Subway? "Paul you're grabbing to much bacon with your 'baseball mitt sized hands'!"  *Big Show cries in corner*

Del Rio and RVD had a decent "hardcore" match together with Del Rio retaining. That's about all there is to say about that.

Cody Rhodes got his job back *crickets chirping*. Goldust got a new contract *raucous cheering*

Cesaro spun The Great Khali around like a big, dumb, helicopter.

Someone let R-Truth out of the bottom of the barrel to lose a match to Curtis Axel.

CM Punk took out Ryback, further proving that Ryback is actually a stoppable force whose initial push fizzled out before he accomplished anything important. 

That guy from Duck Dynasty beat up Bob Marley's son.

I heard there was a Diva's match. I must have been in the bathroom for that one.

And as for the preshow, I can't tell you. I guess paying for a PPV doesn't get you the bonus content. You have to go on that free video sharing site to get that exclusive stuff. 

Overall it was a pretty underwhelming PPV. It had it's moments, but just about every show does. It definitely wasn't worth the money. Maybe it was worth streaming (legally of course). But one thing is for sure... we can expect these same exact matches on October 27th at Hell in a Cell.

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