Written by Bobby Morrissey
The Uso's (v) The Shield(C) - Tag team titles
Finally the Uso's are getting a long deserved push and hopefully it could be the start of a re-ignition of the tag team division which is needed I think. The Uso's have good momentum going into this Sunday but so do the shield in sense. The match should provide to be a good entertaining one, with very impressive tag-teams and 4 very talented superstars,
Result: I reckon after a little chaos in the ring a Roman Reigns spear and a knee to the head from Rollins, I reckon the shield will retain titles and their "reign" (excuse the pun) will last a little longer before they give up them titles.

Chris Jericho (v) Ryback
In my opinion these 2 should be in one of the money in the bank matches but still, this provides to be a good match-up with the power of Ryback and technicality of Jericho. Both these superstars are coming off big loses in the last PPV (Jericho's loss to Punk and Ryback's loss to Cena) so in a sense these 2 superstars are going head to head to avenge previous misfortunes. The match up should be good with Ryback dominating early in the match I predict with Jericho breaking into momentum from time to time. At the finishing moments of the match I can see Jericho closing in for the win and Result: I can see Vicky Guerrero interfering and helping Ryback thus distracting Jericho and giving Ryback a chance for shell-shocked and the win. (A wild accusation I know, but with Ryback consoling Vicky on RAW I could easially see this bloom into a manager role with Ryback)

Kaitlyn (v) A.J. Lee(C) - Divas title
I for one am really enjoying this feud now and the match at Payback was one of the best diva's matches I have seen in ages. Also the emotional aspect involved added to the mix ever since Big E and A.J. humiliated her has been interesting, with Kaitlyn having slight momentum going into the match having speared A.J. the other night and coming out on top. Hopefully the match will live up to the Payback bout.
Result: I can see A.J. coming out on top either by submission or by Big E interference causing A.J. to retain her title.

The Miz (v) Curtis Axel(C) - Intercontinental title
I dont really understand why the Miz is always in the title picture for the I.C. title at this stage, dont get me wrong he is a great superstar and good on th mic but he just seems to to be a filler for a title that has lost it's prestige as of lately, hopefully Axel can bring some glory back to this title. A win for both superstars could be a big turning point for them, an Axel win would of course retain the title once held by his father and cement a bit of legacy on his part. A win for the Miz would end his championship drought as of late (not including the one night reign after Wrestlemania) but a loss for the Miz could be the start of a downward spiral, so perhaps the Miz has alot more to lose in this bout.
Result: I think Axel will come out on top, winning with the perfect-plex, Retaining the title.

World Heavyweight title money in the bank ladder match - Antonio Cesaro (v) Wade Barrett (v) Jack Swagger (v) Dean Ambrose (v) Damien Sandow (v) Cody Rhodes (v) Fandango
The World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match holds seven of WWE’s most prominent up-and-coming Superstars which will put their bodies and careers on the line in one of WWE’s most dangerous contests, with a golden contract for a World Heavyweight Title opportunity literally hanging in the balance. This one is hard to call, it really is. Although this match should provide to be a great match-up with great rising stars and I can see one of the two teams involved to split after this match (teams being 'cesaro and swagger' and 'rhodes scholars')
Result: In a shot in the dark prediction I'm going to say Wade Barrett 

Money in the bank All-Stars match - CM Punk (v) Sheamus (v) Daniel Bryan (v) Randy Ortan (v) Christian (v) Rob Van Dam (v) Kane (unknown)
When I was writing this Kane's status was unknown whether or not to compete.
WOW, a great match-up with a great line up of former World champions, all these superstars bringing their own run of momentum and aspects into this game, everyone of the contenders will surely be a good mister money in the bank (some already have been). But the only 2 that shine to me to actually win the match are Daniel Bryan and RVD, Daniel Bryan has after having a great run of momentum as of late and would be an excellent WWE champion and a returning RVD would be a brilliant shock for WWE universe if he were to take the briefcase sunday.
Result: I can see CM Punk just about to close in on the breifcase when Lesnar interferes and shoves punk off the ladder and delivers an F-5 and Bryan to capitalise and win the match.

Dolph Ziggler (v) Alberto del Rio(C) - World Heavyweight title
A brilliant feud lately in my opinion, del rios victory pushed the bounds of acceptability, and since the controversial (and arguably unprofessional) win at WWE Payback, Del Rio has been hounded viciously by his foe at every attempt Ziggler could find. The match-up should provide to be a brilliant one with the two bringing alot to the table. But Ziggler lately has changed medical clearance doesn’t matter to him anymore, neither does looking good. Ziggler cares about mercilessly battering Alberto Del Rio as much as is humanly possible before pinning his unconscious shoulders to the mat and steal back what was his in the 1st place the title.
Result: After alot of momentum changes I can see Del Rio get the Arm breaker locked in but Ziggler to power out of it and reply with a Zig-Zag to seal the win and get the title back.

John Cena(C) (v) Mark Henry - WWE title
Ever since the brilliantly cruel "retirement" speech which would put alot of actors to shame, Mark Henry has been targeting Cena like a hound, proving to be a little to much for Cena at certain points, also after reading articles I have noticed lost in the commotion was the fact that Henry pinned Ryback in wrestlemania and considering how much trouble Cena had overcoming the Ryback in recent months, will he be up to the challenge of Mark Henry, one of WWE’s few competitors to hold a completely valid pinfall victory over him?
Result: Cena overcomes the odds and lift's Mark Henry for a huge impacted AA for the win.

P.S. these results are all my own opinion

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