Hello everyone! My name is JD Davis ([email protected]) and I am a new writer/blogger/contributor here. I thought I would start off by sharing a fantasy match I wrote for fun combining my love for movies and wrestling. Enjoy!
JR: "We've got an exciting match for you here tonight at Survivor Series live from Universal Studios! This is the traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Tag Team match! On Team Universal we have Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula, Creature, and Mummy! On Team Slasher we have Freddy, Jason, Pinhead, Michael, and Leatherface!"

Starting out is pretty frantic. Each man wants to be in. Team Universal decides on Frankenstein, Team Slasher is still fighting. The bell rings. Leatherface and Freddy are arguing when all of a sudden Frankenstein picks up Leatherface and nails a Chokenstein right in the middle of the ring. The ref counts it 1,2,3. Leatherface is eliminated! Strong Start for Team Universal.

Freddy steps into the ring as Frankenstein tags in Dracula. This is a dream match for horror and wrestling fans everywhere. They have a good back and forth until Freddy nails a Bulldog through the dreamworld and drops Dracula back onto the mat from the rafters. He covers Dracula. The ref counts 1,2 and Dracula kicks out. Freddy starts to argue with the ref as Dracula desperately tries to crawl back to his corner. Freddy extends his arm out and grabs Dracula, pulling him back to Team Slasher's corner. Freddy tags in Pinhead and they start stomping Dracula in the corner.

Pinhead rolls Dracula into the middle of the ring and goes to the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top and motions for a diving headbutt. He dives through the air but Dracula rolls out of the way and Pinhead crashes to the mat. Dracula jumps up and tags in Wolfman. Talk about energy this guy is all over the ring, jumping, biting and scratching Pinhead. Wolfman grabs Pinhead into a reverse 3/4 chin lock and runs up the turnbuckle, nailing him with an Acid Drop. Wolfman hops up to the top rope and nails a 450 Splash. He pins. The ref counts 1,2,3 and Pinhead is eliminated. 

Team Universal still has all 5 of their members, while Team Slasher is down 3. Jason is now in the ring. Wolfman tags in Mummy. Mummy tries to put up offense, but Jason has the power game. He lifts Mummy onto his shoulders into a Fireman's Carry and hits a TKO. Mummy all but disintegrates into a pile of dust and cloth. Jason, looking confused covers the pile. The ref counts it 1,2,3, Mummy is eliminated. 

Creature makes his way through the ropes and locks up with Jason. Jason powers through the hold and sends Creature tumbling into the corner. Jason starts stomping a mudhole and gets out of the ring to walk it dry. Jason starts looking under the ring and pulls out the machete. He slides back into the ring but Creature starts stomping his head before he can get up. Jason gets to his knees as Creature tries a roundhouse. Jason catches his leg in his hand and spins him around, but Creature brings the other leg up and catches Jason in the side of the head. He goes down hard. Creature picks up the machete and tries to handle it but can't get a good grip on it. Jason has climbed the turnbuckle and jumps. He nails a missile dropkick sending Creature into the ropes. He falls through to the ground hard. Jason raises the machete and the fans go nuts. Creature is standing back up, Jason hits the ropes and runs across the ring. He jumps through the ropes at Creature but is met with a steel chair instead. Creature climbs back into the ring as the ref begins to count. He makes it to eight before Jason stumbles back in. Creature tags in Dracula.

Dracula jumps in raring to go and covers Jason in his cape. Dracula starts hockey punching Jason until he falls over backwards. Dracula raises his arms and the fans cheer. Jason jumps to the corner and tags in Michael. Michael starts walking menacingly to Dracula but Dracula poofs into a bat and starts flying around Michael's head. Michael starts swatting angrily at the bat but can't seem to land a blow. He is moving all around the ring when suddenly Creature hops in and nails him with a wicked chairshot to the face. The ref calls for a DQ on Creature. Dracula returns to his human form and covers Michael. The ref counts but Michael kicks out at 2. Dracula is getting frustrated. He can't keep Michael down. He tags in Frankenstein. 

Frankenstein steps over the top rope and enters the ring. Michael lands a couple blows on his midsection but it doesn't seem to affect the big guy. Frankenstein grabs Michael's neck and tries for the Chokenstein, but Michael slips out. Michael starts working the knees on Frankenstein and finally brings him to the ground. Michael applies the Sharpshooter and the crowd flips. Frankenstein taps furiously and is eliminated. Wolfman comes in and howls. The crowd howls back. He grabs Michael's arm and swings around him and nails a brutal DDT. He covers and the ref counts 1,2, and Michael kicks out. Wolfman lets out another howl of desperation as Michael gets back up. Wolfman picks up the chair and bangs it on the mat waiting for Michael to turn around. Michael turns and catches the steel chair. Wolfman hits a low blow and Michael drops the chair. Wolfman grabs him in a headlock and DDT's Michael onto the chair. Wolfman rolls him over for the pin. The ref counts 1,2,3 and Michael is eliminated. 

It's down to 2 on 2 as Jason steps into the ring. Wolfman climbs the turnbuckle and tries to drop a Double Axehandle on Jason. Jason catches him by the throat, brings him to the edge of the ring and Chokeslams him over the top rope onto the ground below. The ref starts the count but Wolfman is not moving. Jason climbs up the turnbuckle and raises his machete. The fans absolutely lose it as the ref reaches 10 and Wolfman is counted out.

Dracula is the only member left of Team Universal. He steps into the ring with Jason and they lockup in the middle. Dracula overpowers Jason and throws him back into his corner. Freddy tags himself in and hops over the rope. He rushes Dracula and catches him with a Lou Thesz Press and starts to pummel Dracula's face. Dracula throws him off and gets to his feet. Freddy jumps up quick and again rushes Dracula, this time being met with a midsection kick. Dracula grabs his waist and lifts him up for a Gutwrench Powerbomb. He nails it and covers. The ref counts 1,2 but Freddy kicks out.

Jason has climbed down off the mat and is searching under the ring. Back to the action, Freddy has Dracula in a Full Nelson and is not letting up. He is screaming for Dracula to tap, but Dracula drops to his knees and smashes Freddy's jaw with his head. Freddy grabs his mouth as Dracula jumps up and lands a Codebreaker on Freddy. Dracula rolls Freddy over and covers. Before the ref can start counting Freddy reverses it and rolls Dracula over. The ref counts 1,2 and Dracula rolls Freddy onto his back. Another two count and they break it up. Both monsters stand up and lock up. Freddy knees Dracula in the abdomen and hits a Twist of Fate right in the middle of the ring. Freddy stumbles back to his corner and Jason tags himself in. Jason climbs the turnbuckle and holds up his machete. The crowd cheers. He throws down the machete and pulls a wooden stake from his jacket. The crowd goes nuts. He points the stake to the heavens and leaps. He lands the elbow and the stake right into Dracula. Dracula screams and explodes. Dracula has been eliminated. 


But there is a confrontation in the ring. Freddy stands up and gets in Jason's face about how he took down Dracula and he should have got the pin. Jason laughs and shakes his head. Freddy pushes Jason and Jason pushes him back. Freddy tries to push again but Jason grabs him by the throat. Jason lifts up Freddy and slams him through the ring with a colossal Chokeslam. Up from the hole in the ring fire shoots out and Jason is taken aback. The fire dies down and he goes over to look. Freddy's hand comes out of the hole and grabs Jason and pulls him into the hole. He tries to kick and scratch but he is pulled in and the fires rise again. The arena is quiet for a few seconds and then explodes into cheers and applause. Confetti comes down from the ceiling as Survivor Series goes off the air.

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