Screams of joy rang out across the IWC tonight after Daniel Bryan beat John Cena for the WWE Championship. Seconds later those joyous screams turned to screams of terror....
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The entire collective of the IWC breathed a sigh of relief tonight as Daniel Bryan beat John Cena for the WWE Championship. Seconds later they collectively lost their shit when HHH attacked Bryan and allowed Orton to cash in his MITB contract. Now don't get me wrong... I'm all for ANYONE being champion that isn't John Cena. Let's just say there would have been a couple more structure fires around where I live had Cena walked out champion. But I felt it was a slap in the face for Bryan to lose his first WWE championship that quickly. I know that's the point of the MITB briefcase but dammit, are we really going back in time to 2007 for a good old fashion Cena/Orton feud for the rest of the year? FFS. 

Punk lost to Lesnar! What a surprise! The Best could not conquer The Beast and Lesnar dominated Punk. Heyman proved that his stable is more powerful than Punk, so I guess all that is left now is to... uh... line?

Something happened in a Divas match. I didn't watch it. But let's talk about Total Divas for a second. I will not watch this show. I simply won't. I can't imagine the amount of time and money that has gone into the production of this show. What if, and this is crazy, they used all that money and time to develop the Divas into half decent wrestlers so they could be entertaining on the wrestling show, instead of some BS "reality" show. I've had to many people say to me "OMFG I can't believe Cena and Bryan are really friends." or "OMG the Bellas blah blah blah Natalya lahdeeda blah prostitutes" Ugh.

Ziggler and Kaitlyn beat Big E and AJ. Cool.

And why would they put RVD and Dean Ambrose, a match which would have been AWESOME on PPV, on the stupid preshow? The preshow should be reserved for Divas matches or anything with Great Khali.

So overall? Summerslam was actually really good. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the conclusion had my heart pounding. Of course I had to nitpick it but it was a real solid PPV WWE, good job. With Flair rumored to return soon and Orton/HHH becoming best buddies again, I'm really looking forward to Evolution 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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