As most wrestling fans know, the E is not the only wrestling show on national television. But it may be soon... 
                                                                                                                                                    by JD Davis.
TNA (it's IMPACT WRESTLING now remember?) seems to be having a lot of problems these days. Whether it be low ratings, late payments to their wrestlers, or just their recent spree of releases, things seem to be going downhill. In the last month they have let Taeler Hendrix, Christian York, Crimson, Matt Morgan, Joey Ryan, Madison Rayne, D.O.C. and my favorite knockout Tara go. Yesterday they announced that VP of Talent Relations Bruce Pritchard and D.O.C.'s fellow Aces & Eights member D-Lo Brown were released from the company. Also the release and subsequent ship jumping of Rob Van Dam back to WWE has to be a killer. I guess they have to allocate funds to what I assume is Hogan and Sting's ridiculous salaries. They had Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Sting, and Ric Flair running the show for a while... wasn't there some other company that they killed off? Damn, it will come to me....

I've loved TNA, (IMPACT, IMPACT!!!!) for quite a few years. It was always a happy non-PG alternative to WWE that I thoroughly enjoyed. But recently it hasn't been going well. The storylines are boring as hell and all seem to be centered around Hulk Hogan (because God forbid he help the next generation get over), the people that should be champions aren't champions and the champions they do have are just so.... blah. Maybe I am stuck in the mindset of WWE since 90% of TNA's (I-M-P-A-C-T!) roster are former WWE superstars. When I look at Bubba Ray, I mean BULLY Ray (God they are dumb) I don't see a World Champion. When I look at Jeff Hardy I think "Thank God they let you do drugs here so you don't end up doing terrible indy shows like your brother who is now ruining his life after your ruined and recovered yours." TNA (IMPACT! Why is it so hard to remember the new name?!) definitely has the upper hand in the women's division. Their knockouts are amazing to look at AND they can wrestle unlike the WWE divas (did anyone else see that match between the Funkadactyl and the Bella? Holy hell that was terrible!). Unfortunately that is not enough to keep this turd from being flushed.

A lot of people like to compare TNA (IMPACT DAMMIT!!!) to WWE by saying they aren't as good, aren't as big, aren't as successful, aren't as good looking etc etc.... but they are good, they are just a small company working with a large company's budget. They've got top stars, but they only have one show a week so none of the other guys ever get time on TV. Their quality of show is excellent on TV but in person.... eh. I attended Bound for Glory last year (this year it's on 10/20. Wow that's coming up fast!! *sigh*) and it was a really good show. It should be, it's their Wrestlemania. Problem is, it was held in a local college's stadium. There's a venue that holds almost 20,000 people that WWE uses and they sell it out regardless if it's RAW or a PPV right down the road. TNA (IMPACT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!) couldn't even fill up this auditorium/basketball court/cafeteria at a college. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!? Do parents not let their kids watch TNA (I'm not doing it anymore.)? Do people just not give a shit about TNA (see? I'm not correcting you anymore)? Did they not market it correctly? This was their first show this far west but any fans should be all over that!

They are just stuck in a terrible rut that I don't see them coming out of. It should go in a circle of 1. Recruit top talent 2. Top talent puts over new guys 3. New guys become top talent 4. Repeat. But they are using their top talent to attract people, not develop new talent. And that top talent gets spotlighted on their two hour once a week show to make up for their ridiculous paychecks, so the lower guys don't get exposure, don't turn into top talent, and therefore can't draw when all the old people die off. They try to compete with WWE by making action figures, video games, clothing lines etc but it comes off as desperate for them. WWE dropped JAKKS because their figures look terrible but TNA (why can't you just say Impact instead of writing little notes after) doesn't care about quality they just want your money. They can't tour because touring is expensive, they don't make nearly enough money from TV (maybe they should leave SPIKE for a real network), all their merchandise sucks, and they just don't seem to be able to get it together. It's like four people operate the company, but don't talk to each other to coordinate what's going on. They each go about their own business with complete disregard to the others and to logic.

Anyways, I predict TNA (IIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!) will be either closed down or "acquired" by WWE by this time next year.

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