For the most part...yes, but I believed there were some major blunders that are really going to hurt some rising and current WWE superstars such as Dolph Ziggler.  Much of the PPV was very predictable especially the matches involving The Shield.  For The Shield to give up one of their titles  would have been devestating to WWE and even more to the Shield. WWE had at least some sense.    Although the Shield's matches were very predictable I was hoping for an Orton heel turn.  I feel Orton's current character is being wasted and he could and should be maineventing WWE.  But there were 3 major errors that need to be noted: 

    First match of the night, The Great White, Sheamus vs. the rising heel Damien Sandow.  As I noted in my WWE Payback Predictions, I knew Sheamus was planned to win.  Unfortunately, this loss will hurt Sandow.  Sheamus didn't need the win as he is already over with the fans, and a victory for Sandow would have really made him appear as a heel worth watching and hating.  Instead, he still remains an undercard/low midcard which the WWE Universe dismisses as boring and "unintellectual".  Hopefully, WWE is to recover and lift Sandow up from this fall.

    The second match that I believed was booked poorly was the CM Punk vs Chris Jericho match otherwise known as "The Best in the World" Match.  Although Chris Jericho is rumored to be leaving after SummerSlam, this would have been a great opportunity to have one last (good) run with CM Punk.  A win for Jericho would have much enhanced their feud than would a win for Punk.  Furthermore, Punk didn't need the win in the slightest even if it was in his hometown of Chicago.  WWE Payback could have been the perfect opportunity for a heel turn for either Jericho or Punk.  Jericho especially needed this win considering he lost to Fandango at Wrestlemania.  Even though Jericho is in WWE to help the midcard get over, he will be uneffective if he loses his prestige all together.

    By far the greatest upset of the night was the victory of Alberto Del Rio to regain the World Heavyweight Championship.  Dolph Ziggler had a once in a lifetime moment when he cashed in his MITB briefcase, and this reign should have lasted for almost a year.  After all his work, Ziggler had finally gotten over with the fans and had some of the biggest pops in the PG Era.  However, I do like how they are making Del Rio heel again.  Alberto as a babyface was boring, and just stupid.  But I do feel Del Rio should have made a heel turn after a loss from Dolph Ziggler at WWE Payback.  We'll just have to wait things out and hope Ziggler is able to regain the title in a creative way. 

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