Every wrestling fan has favorites. They have favorite matches, favorite wrestlers, favorite moves, favorite venues, favorite theme music etc... So what are yours?
                                                                                                                                           by J.D. Davis
My favorite wrestler of all time has to be Shawn Michaels. Everyone knows who Shawn Michaels is and what he has done for the wrestling business. He needs no introduction and will draw a crowd no matter where he goes. He is one of the most accomplished and controversial superstars of all time. The Heartbreak Kid may not be breaking hearts anymore, but he is truly one of the best.

My favorite match of all time would probably have to be Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. I was there. We flew to Houston for the weekend to take part in our first Wrestlemania experience and we were not disappointed. That match had more intensity than anything else I had ever seen. It was the one time throughout his illustrious 'Mania career that I actually believed The Undertaker was going to lose. The excitement in that building grew and grew with each blow until HBK's failed Moonsault led to a Tombstone Piledriver and Wrestlemania history. It was truly one of the best days of my life and greatest things I have ever seen.

My favorite move has to be the DDT and most variations there of. With few exceptions, no move in real world applications could be more devastating that driving someone head first into the ground. The move was rumored to be innovated by Jake "The Snake" Roberts who accidentally tripped while holding an opponent in a front facelock. Whether or not that is true will be a contested topic for a long time, but the move is fantastic nonetheless. Some notable wrestlers that use/d variations of the DDT that I am a fan of are Edge, Gangrel, The Rock, Mick Foley, Raven and numerous others.

My favorite venue I have ever seen a wrestling show at is a tie. It is either this tiny 100 person theatre down the street, or Reliant Stadium in Houston. Nothing can beat the grandeur and immense-ness of Wrestlemania, but going to my first indy show was an experience I will never forget. I got to yell at a wrestler who got in my face and I got landed on when one guy clotheslined the other over the guardrail. It was awesome.

So what about you guys? What are your favorites? Share them in the comments. If you're embarrassed they aren't as great as my choices, that's ok you can share them anyways. 

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