PPV PreShow: Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow
            As much as I want to see Sandow in line for a big push and to see him victorious over Sheamus, I believed Sheamus will have the upper hand in this one. It is hard to picture Sheamus losing to Sandow considering WWE has had a difficult time making Sandow actually appeal to the WWE Universe as a rising heel.  Hopefully Damien feuding with a top WWE star, will help him become a top heel like he deserves.
Winner: Sheamus

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
            Even though I'm a pretty strong CM Punk fan, I think a Jericho victory could really create a great storyline if CM Punk returns as a heel.  Jericho gaining a win over Punk will have the WWE Universe question CM Punk being the "Best in the World" which is Punk's most popular slogan.  With Jericho most likely leaving after SummerSlam, I think this is a great chance for Jericho to have one last run worth remembering.  Although there is much speculation that CM Punk may pull a no show, this is highly unlikely considering this would kill WWE.  CM Punk is WWE's top star (besides John Cena), and Payback is in Punk's hometown of Chicago.
Winner: Chris Jericho

WWE Divas Title Match: Kaitlyn (c) vs. AJ Lee
            I think this match could be called 50/50.  Altough a win for AJ would make the whole Dolph Ziggler, Big E. Langston, and AJ storyline  become much more intriguing, it is very likely WWE wants to carry out this feud a little longer with Kaitlyn as Divas Champion.  I believe AJ's character would benefit much more from a loss at Payback than a win.
Winner: Kaitlyn

WWE United States Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Kane
            Dean Ambrose has a 99.99% chance of winning this match.  It would kill Shield if Ambrose were to lose.  Kane doesn't need the championship, and WWE has completely destroyed the character of Kane.  Kane's character is only beneficial to the rising Daniel Bryan and even though fans love Kane's "new humor", classic WWE fans should be and are furious.  The only reason why Dean Ambrose doesn't have a 100% chance of winning is because unfortunately, Shield suffered their first lost on Friday Night Smackdown against the trio of Team Hell No and Randy Orton.
Winner: Dean Ambrose

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns (c's)
            Once again Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns will not lose their titles. It is difficult to say whether Shield will disqualify themselves or get a clean win but regardless there is no way Seth and Roman will give up the TagTeam Titles.  To be honest I'm not even sure how Orton even got himself into this match and I believe Orton's character is being completely wasted by the WWE Creative Team.  Hopefully with Randy facing a loss, WWE will look to give him a much delayed push.  One important benefit of this match is that it gives Orton a chance to finally turn heel which WWE fans have been waiting ever since he returned from his suspension.  After this possible heel turn I hope to see Orton feud either with Sheamus or Ziggler.  A feud with Ziggler would help Dolph in unimaginable ways to solidify his run as World Heavyweight Champion.
Winner: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

Triple Threat Intercontinental Title Match: Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz vs. Curtis Axel
            This is definately the hardest match to call for this PPV.  I hate how WWE is using both The Miz and Wade Barrett.  The Miz is being treated as undercard/midcard when he headlined Wrestlemania 27 against John Cena successfully retaining the title.  Ever since he returned he has not been used in any way beneficial towards himself or the company.  Instead he is just kind of there.  The same goes for Wade Barrett.  Before his injury, Wade Barrett was actually making WWE worth watching again as the leader of the Nexus.  I don't even know what WWE is doing with Barrett as his character is boring, and ultimately non-existent.  Furthermore, Wade Barrett keeps having character changes with different themes etc. and things are just becoming ridiculous.  Therefore I'm going with a victory for Curtis Axel.  Axel has been debuted as some big character who even feuds with the COO of WWE, Triple H.  Also a loss for Axel would really hurt him while Miz and Barrett would face no consequences but rather an opportunity to start over and do something worthwhile.
Winner: Curtis Axel

World Heavyweight Title Match: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Alberto del Rio
            Easy call. Dolph Ziggler win.  Despite this being an easy win for Ziggler, WWE as well as its fans should be very concerned with the character of Del Rio.  Alberto as a face has just not been working.  He has not been gaining much support or pops from crowds and his WHC match at Wrestlemania 29 was imbearably silent.  I've never have been a large fan of Del Rio but for his and WWE's sake, Alberto is only workable and popular as a heel.  Payback could be the perfect opportunity for a character change...
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

WWE Three Stages of Hell Title Match: John Cena (c) vs. Ryback
            It was a poor decision for Ryback to go after the WWE Championship so soon.  Ryback is a great superstar but he is lacking experience and he needs more time to be seen as championship worthy.  Ryback currently is not capable of leading a multi-billion business considering he really only says "FEED ME MORE!"  Ryback's character needs to be developed more before he's ready to be a real top contender.  Unfortunately, WWE has been having Ryback pursue the WWE Championship even though he will not win it this time around.  These losses are hurting Ryback and he is losing his edge as a largely built wrecking machine.  Ryback will also not win because Cena hasn't even had the title for 3 months.  If WWE wants to make their championships to gain more prestige, they need to make their champions actually seem like champions and not lose the title every month or two.
Winner: John Cena


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